Friday, June 5, 2009

Answering the big question.

Now that I've heard back from a couple of people and know that I've got readers now, I guess it's time to outline the answer to the big question that seems to be floating around.

"Why did you leave?"

I left because the Mormon Church is not true. That's really the only answer I can give. I can break it down and be more specific, but talking about specific points of doctine isn't going to accomplish anything except making people angry. So instead, let me try to explain a little bit of my exit process.

Several years ago, I realized I was feeling...uncomfortable with the church. Things that had never bothered me before were popping up and demanding answers. Things that I had always assumed fit together were starting to look different. Around 3 or 4 years ago, I came to the realization that the LDS church had been telling me what I believed for my entire life; and finally I decided that I wasn't comfortable with that. So I "took a step back" to try to figure out exactly what *I* believed. And taking that step back made me look at the church and its teachings from the point of view of an outsider, rather than from the inside as I had always done. And that's when I had my now-famous-in-certain-circles moment of "WTF!? I live in a SHOE!!!"

The pieces didn't fit together the way I thought they did. Things that I had NEVER seen or heard about became glaringly obvious. (I'm not going into specifics right now because I don't want to start an argument.) It was like a proverbial house of cards: one "truth" had been supporting another. None of them were able to stand alone. And if you know "A" is true because "B" is true, then the discovery that "B" is NOT true can absolutely shatter everything you once believed. And that's what happened to me. I discovered that NEITHER is true.

Contrary to popular belief, this was not an easy decision. Realizing that everything that I'd believed for my ENTIRE LIFE is false, and then sweeping up the pieces and starting over, was one of the hardest things I've ever done.

I appreciate that this is difficult for many of my family and friends to wrap their minds around, so I am perfectly willing to answer questions. But I am NOT Mormon now, and any doctrinal discussion on history will be treated as a historical discussion--including pertinent facts from historical sources, whether they be "church-approved" or not.

Thank you for tuning in, and there will be updates as they become available.

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